Student Data Entry

How to begin a student record (The Threshold Screen)

In order to create a new student record, ASISTS requires a few key fields. These fields are considered the “Threshold Information” and appear on the screen when you choose “Add Student Information”.

The video below demonstrates how to use the Threshold Screen to begin a new student record.

Key Demographics

In this video, we will discuss the Key demographics fields on the Student Contact Information Screen.

Key demographics are required in order for a student to count on any of the Funding Reports available in ASISTS.

“Optional” student Data

After the “Threshold Information” and “Key Demographics”, the remaining fields on the Student Information Screen are optional. This means that they are not required for a student to count on the year-end State & Federal reporting.

Please note, however, that certain data does appear on year-end reports, and having this information about your students can be a very valuable tool for Program Management.

Short-Term Student Goals

Short-term student goals are also known as NRS Goals. These Goals are meant to be achievable within the current fiscal year.

There will be more videos available on Goal-setting in the future, and you should take advantage of any materials available from the NRS Director of Accountability, Rosemary Matt, regarding the process of Goal-setting.

When setting goals with your students, please be aware that by agreeing to work with a student towards his/her goals, your agency is taking a certain amount of responsibility for helping that student achieve what he/she sets out to do. Goals should be set with thoughtfulness and discussion between the student and teacher/counselors at your agency.

Assessment Data Entry

ASISTS is equipped to allow the entry of many different types of assessments, however, there are three key assessments that are recognized by NYSED for the purposes of NRS Educational Gain: TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education), Best Plus, and Best Literacy.

Below, you will find videos demonstrating the data entry process for each accepted assessment.

TABE Data Entry:

Best Plus Data Entry

Best Literacy Data Entry

Entering OPT/GED Scores

On the Student Assessment Tab in ASISTS, agencies have the ability to track OPT (Official Practice Test) and GED scores for the students who have sat for either exam.

Although these scores do not affect the year-end state or federal reports, we encourage you to enter this information in ASISTS if it is available.


In ASISTS, there are two methods for enrolling a student into an existing Instructional Offering: through the Student Data Entry Screens or through the Instructional Activity screens.

The video below covers the process of enrolling a student from the Student Data Entry screens. The video for enrolling a student from the Instructional Activity screens is covered in a separate video.

Tracking Student History

The student history screen can track, in detail, a student’s history within your agency. If you have students who have been with your agency for a long time, this can be very useful.

The history screen is most important for tracking if/when a student exits your program, or subsequently returns after exiting.

Other Student Information

There is a great deal of information that we can/do track about our students that is not relevant to the year-end state or federal reporting requirements. Some of this information is specific to other funding streams (e.g. CTEDS or DYCD), but is not pertinent to or required for NRS reporting.

Much of this information can be tracked on the “Other Information” tab in the Student Data Entry screens.

There is space on the “Other Information” tab to track:

    Additional/Emergency Contact Information
    Health Information
    Children (number, age, school)
    EDGE (funding stream, no longer funded)
    CTEDS (Career & Technical Education System) details
    County & School District residency
    Immigration Information
    Language Information
    NYC Education History
    CWE (Consortium for Worker Education) Union Affiliation
    CSBG (Community Services Block Grant) Student Details


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